Saturday, January 28, 2012


An Indian pudding. Traditional Goan dessert. Also known as Bibik or Bebinka. Has 16 layers. And was adopted by the International Weather System  as the name of a typhoon! ;)

Here's what you'll need:

* 200 gm refined flour
* 10 egg yolks (Confession: I eat eggs. But that's the extent to my non-vegetarian-ism) :P
* 500 gm sugar
* 200 ml coconut milk
* 5 gm nutmeg powder (jayphal)
* 200 gm butter

Let's get started!

1. First of, mix the flour, egg yolks, sugar, coconut milk & nutmeg powder, and make a batter.

2. Then, grease an over-proof dish with a spoonful of melted butter. After this, pour 75 ml of the batter into this dish and spread evenly.

3. Now, bake this mixture till it is golden brown. Then, spread another spoonful of melted butter on it, and pour 75 ml of the batter (and spread evenly, of course) :P Set to bake again, until golden brown.

4. Repeat this process till you use up all the batter.

5. Bebinca done!

Secret to Eat: Serve a slice of hot bebinca, with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream. Heaven!

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